Grassroots Sport Fund – Applications Now Open

The Grassroots Sport Fund is part of the NSW Government’s Community Sport Recovery Package – helping support the sector to get back on its feet.
The Grassroots Sport Fund will provide a one-off grant of up to $1,000 to around 12,500 eligible local clubs and associations across the State to assist them when community sport resumes from 1 July 2020.
The Fund will be administered by AFL NSW/ACT, with support from the Office of Sport.
Eligible clubs and associations are required to apply by Friday 31 July 2020.
How to Apply
Applications will be open from 6th July until Friday 31 July 2020.
To apply, clubs are to complete the simple online application form in the link below.
Apply now:
The Community Sport Recovery Package Guidelines outlines the eligibility requirements for clubs and associations.
For the Grassroots Sport Fund:
- the local club or association must be a legal entity and have been affiliated with an SSO or SSOD before 11 June 2020;
- the local club or association must be registered in NSW or have a registered business address in NSW;
- the local club or association must have registered members and participants;
- if the local club or association is a school it must offer programs to the public;
- the local club or association was financially impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions between the period of March – June 2020; and
- the local club or association will use the payment for an approved purpose and has not already received assistance with this expense from local, state or Commonwealth government or others.
What information will I be required to provide?
Clubs and associations will be required to provide the following information as part of their applications
- – Legal Name of the club/association
- – Organisation ABN / ACN / Incorporation Number (if your organisation has an ABN and an Incorporation No. the Incorporation Number is preferred)
- – Organisation Address
- – Organisation Key Contact Details (i.e. the person submitting the application)
- – Organisation Bank Details (Account Name, BSB, Account Number)
- – Confirmation that your organisation meets the eligibility criteria detailed above; and a declaration that the submission is true and correct.
What can I use the Grassroots Sport Fund payment for?
Grassroots Sport Fund payments to clubs and associations can be used for the fixed costs such as:
- – insurances;
- – power;
- – telephone and internet;
- – fixed vehicle or equipment costs (leases, registration); and
- – other base operating costs including:
- – affiliation fees;
- – EFTPOS and banking fees;
- – IT support arrangements; and
- – essential equipment.
Additional Information
All clubs and association are encouraged to read the Community Sport Recovery Package Guidelines and the Grassroots Sport Fund Additional Information document prepared by the Office of Sport to ensure that they are eligible and have all of the required information ready to submit.
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