Border Mail – Salary Cap
The Hume League has stolen a march on its Tallangatta and District rivals, introducing a six-figure salary cap on Friday.
Tallangatta, which vies with the Hume for players, has an $80,000 cap, so its rivals have a clear recruiting head start.
AFL North East Border controls Tallangatta, while Hume is run by AFL NSW-ACT.
Tallangatta league manager Gavin Rendell didn’t want to comment until he had examined all details surrounding the cap.
Hume League secretary Dalton Wegener said the board has worked extensively with its governing body after introducing a ‘soft’ salary cap in preparation for next year’s enforceable limit.
“The salary cap will assist with the equalisation of competitions, promote player loyalty and junior development, improve the sustainability of community clubs and support the working of volunteers that are having to raise many hundreds of dollars that contributes to player payments,” community football and facilities manager for southern NSW, Paul Habel, said.
Clubs will have to report their total player payment budgets by April 30 to ensure their compliance.
The cap is the second part of the Community Club Sustainability Program, following the implementation of the Player Points System Policy that was introduced in the Farrer, Riverina and AFL Canberra in 2016.